Do you have to organize the wedding and you need to divide the costs for wedding favors, wedding invitations and reception? Are you already married and can not choose the type of account? Below are several points of view regarding the management of family expenses. Many spouses decide to open a joint account just in view of the marriage, to be able to collect wedding gifts in a joint account and to cope with purchases regarding wedding favors, flowers and everything else: in this way, it divides equally, to the 50% and it seems to be a very practical solution for some. What happens, however, when for example the bride decides to spend a dizzying figure for the wedding shoes she dreamed of? Let’s reason together on the various options.
Separate accounts
There are those who prefer to keep their accounts separate even during the preparation of the wedding, or during the cohabitation. The choice depends bridesmaid dresses ivory, usually, on the research and the maintenance of one’s own autonomy. In this case, if you have to buy the wedding invitations or if you have to pay the receipt, everyone will draw from their account and the expenses will be split between the two spouses.
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The separate accounts, during the cohabitation, allow to pour the necessary when necessary, while maintaining their autonomy. When you have extra money, which is not spent on family expenses, everyone can dispose of them as he wishes. In the case of the wedding organization, you can choose the most popular hairstylist in the city at any price, for your semi-married wedding hairstyle or the shoes you so desire, using the money on your account, at your discretion.

Separation of property or communion

Those who opt for the separation of assets often also choose separate accounts. The separation of goods means that what is bought by one of the spouses always remains in his possession, and not of his spouse. So what is bought before and after being married is not owned by both cocktail dress green, as heritage: this regime is essential if you have activities at risk (which if they fail can affect the assets of both spouses). With the separation of assets, only one spouse could see his or her assets affected and the other not.